How you train today determines how you perform tomorrow!
Email us your name and your child's name, gender, age, experience and we will add you to our emailing list to keep you informed of training, camps, clinics, tryouts, etc.
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We are back OPEN for Junior Club and Thunder Sprouts!
Interested in playing Volleyball but you don't know where to begin?
Try out Thunder Bay's Junior Club and Thunder Sprouts!
2025 Junior Club
AGES 9-15
Are you new to the sport of volleyball? Are you looking for a club volleyball experience without the six month commitment? Then Junior Club is the program for you! Click HERE to Register for our Junior Club program today and find everything you are looking for! We can't wait to see our budding volleyball players and new players in the gym soon!
2025 Thunder Sprouts
Ages 6-8
Our Sprouts program will be on Saturday's from 8:30-am-9:15am and pre-registration is required. Thunder sprouts is a program designed for our younger volleyball lovers. Held every Saturday our Thunder sprouts is a great way to introduce your child to the sport of volleyball. Click HERE to Register and learn more about this amazing program.

We are a member club of the Florida Region of USA Volleyball. As a player you may stop any unwanted contact from a club representative simply by asking (either verbally or in writing) that all contact cease. Any player believing a club representative of any Florida Region Volleyball club has been intimidating, harassing, or acted inappropriately in any manner of contact or recruiting should contact the Florida Region office at (352)-742-0080.