How you train today determines how you perform tomorrow!
Email us your name and your child's name, gender, age, experience and we will add you to our emailing list to keep you informed of training, camps, clinics, tryouts, etc.
2023 Camps and Clinics
Summer is right around the corner and Thunder Bay is ready to roll!
We have something in June and July for every player and ability, ages 6-18.
Back after popular demand, we have TWO summer programs to fit all your Thunder Bay needs — THUNDER BAY SUMMER CAMP and THUNDER BAY (BOOT CAMP) INTENSIVES, for positional training.
Also, we are proud to offer a multi-session discount for Thunder Bay Intensives. Receive a 10% discount when you register for three or more positional boot camp sessions within the same month (discount is only on the first 3 camps--max $27 discount). There are five boot camp offerings in June and six in July (see below “Boot Camp June” and “Boot Camp July” flyers).
Sign up online through the registration links below. Any questions? Send us an Email at
Summer is here.. . . Thunder Bay is ready to roll!
(Boot Camp) Intensives
2023 Summer Camps